Setting up registered jurisdictions

A registered tax jurisdiction is any location where your business is registered to collect local taxes and has a local tax ID. This registration is independent of the countries or states where you sell your products or services.

For Quaderno to accurately calculate taxes, it is essential that you set up all jurisdictions where your business is registered for tax collection:

  1. Go to the jurisdictions page and add your local tax ID and registration dates.
  2. Make sure you check Permanent establishment if you also have a physical presence there.

For businesses registered in the European Union - VAT OSS / IOSS scheme or any European jurisdiction, another option will be selectable: Registered in the import scheme. This is a tax scheme the EU offer for foreign sellers of physical goods. You can learn more in our OSS and IOSS schemes article.

Here's a quick video to guide you through the process:

Do not set up a tax jurisdiction in Quaderno if you are not actually registered there. Collecting taxes before you are registered is illegal.

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