Managing multiple accounts

You can manage all your different Quaderno accounts in one place, just from your own Quaderno dashboard.

Each Quaderno account can only be bound to a legal entity with its own business name, billing address, tax… one business profile per account, each with its own billing data.

Note that if you use several payment processors (Stripe, PayPal etc.) for the same business (even though you sell different products or services), you can just attach all of them to the same Quaderno account.

Adding new accounts to your Dashboard

Adding a new Quaderno account to your Quaderno dashboard is quite a simple process, you would only need to follow these steps:

  1. Expand the dropdown with your company name on the left top corner and click on Create new account .
  2. Complete the form with all required information and then click on the Create button.

Boom! ✨ That's it. You'll be the admin user of your new account, which will be created with a free trial period for you to have enough time to configure everything. When you're happy that everything is working as expected you can then select one of our paid plans.

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