Receiving data from your sales platform

There are two types of Quaderno integrations: those that send sales data directly to Quaderno (native integrations) and those that send data via a payment processor like Stripe or PayPal.

Native integrations

Native integrations are those platforms that connect and send data directly to Quaderno. This means there are no intermediaries on the flow of information and we made sure everything works out of the box.

Usually, these types of integrations just need to either have your digital one-click authorization to access their data, or to configure with the use of API keys.

Native integration

We support a lot of different platforms natively!

Integrations via payment processors

These platforms connect to Quaderno via a payment processor as an intermediary, like Stripe or PayPal. This means your platform sends the information to the payment processor, and then Quaderno fetches the information from the payment processor.

Quaderno can only display the data that the payment processor sends to us.

Sometimes you need to configure the collection of extra fields in your platform, like collecting VAT numbers for B2B sales. Please contact your platform’s support team if that's the case.

In other cases, your platform may not support sending certain data, or showing taxes in the checkout process.

In the latter case, Quaderno will show the tax breakdown in the invoices, considering that your final price includes taxes.

Integration working via a payment processor

Some examples of platforms our clients configure via PayPal or Stripe are Clickfunnels, MemberMouse, Teachery, Kajabi, Kartra, Podia, Teachable, Thinkific,, and Squarespace.

When connecting a third platform via Stripe or PayPal, we highly recommend checking that the initial import of sales fetches all invoice and refund data correctly from your platform (like billing addresses, VAT numbers for B2B sales, or location evidence).

Please contact your platform’s support team to fix any issue related to missing information!

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