Setting up your Quaderno account

Welcome to Quaderno! Whether you need to calculate taxes for your sales in real-time, send beautiful invoices to your clients, or generate tax reports with one click, this is your platform.

Your Quaderno account will be completely configured after you complete the initial onboarding steps, but here's a reference in case you need to reconfigure something:

1. Set up your business data

  • Business name: Go to the business data page and enter your business name and your email address.
  • Billing address: Go to the addresses page and set up your current billing address. Quaderno requires this information to calculate your tax liability.
  • Default tax and product type: Go to the preferences page and set up your default tax code and default product type . They’ll be used to calculate your tax rates in cases where they’re not specified on a transaction.

2. Add your tax jurisdictions

For Quaderno to calculate tax correctly, you first need to set up the tax jurisdictions where your business is currently registered for tax collection and has a local tax number.

To do that, follow the steps from the article "Setting up registered jurisdictions".

3. Sending sales data to Quaderno

Quaderno can automatically collect data from your favorite payment processors, shopping carts, and online selling platforms. Just head to the integrations page and connect the web services you already use in your online business.

You can also send your sales data by importing a CSV file or via Quaderno’s Transactions API.

Did you know that you can invite your accountant or tax advisor, giving them read access to your Quaderno account? That way, they can timely download your tax reports and file your business' taxes on your registered jurisdictions.

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