Setting up your Quaderno account

Welcome to Quaderno! Whether you need to calculate taxes for your sales in real time, send beautiful invoices to your clients, or generate tax reports with one click, this is your platform.

It just takes a few steps to get started with your Quaderno account. This section of the Support Center outlines the most important tasks to get your Quaderno account up and running as quickly as possible.

1. Setting up your business data

Before you start setting up your Quaderno account, you need to create a Quaderno account and add some essential business information.

You don't need to include every detail right away, but be sure to add the following items so that taxes are calculated correctly:

2. Adding your tax jurisdictions

For Quaderno to calculate tax correctly, you first need to set up the tax jurisdictions where your business is currently registered for tax collection and has a local tax number.

Each jurisdiction has its own rules for registering, which can range from having a physical presence in its territory or exceeding a certain sales threshold. This registration is independent of the countries or states where you sell your products or services.

To configure your registered tax jurisdictions into Quaderno:

  • Go to jurisdictions page and add your local tax ID and registration dates.
  • Make sure you check Permanent establishment when you also have physical presence there.

Here's a quick video to guide you through the process:

3. Connecting your web services

Quaderno can automatically collect data from your favourite payment processors, shopping carts and online selling platforms. Each time you make a sale on a connected platform or payment processor, Quaderno will automatically generate the related tax invoice and update your tax reports.

  • Head to integrations, then connect the web services you already use in your online business.

That’s basically it! Keep reading for some details that may be of interest to you:

Automatic import of past transactions

When you first sign up for a trial Quaderno account and connect an integration, we automatically import your transactions from the past 30 days for free, with a limit of 1000 transactions, so you can see how everything works.

This automatic import works for Stripe, PayPal, Braintree, GoCardless, and Shopify. For other platforms, learn here how to use the CSV import feature.

Connecting a platform via Stripe or Paypal

Some platforms connect directly to Quaderno, but others work connecting via a payment processor like Stripe or PayPal. This means we get the data from them, not from your platform.

In these cases, Quaderno can only show and process the data that the payment processors sent us, which in turn are what your platform sent to them. We highly recommend checking that the initial import of sales fetches all the invoice and refund data correctly from your platform.

Sometimes you might need to configure the collection of extra fields in your platform or checkout so they can send it to the payment processor. Some platforms do not support every field, like collecting VAT numbers for B2B sales. If something's missing, please check your integration docs or contact your platform’s support team!

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